Source code for atomica.calibration

Implements automatic calibration

This module defines the :func:`calibrate` function, which is the entry-point for
automatic calibration


import numpy as np
import sciris as sc
from .model import BadInitialization
from .system import logger
from .parameters import ParameterSet
import logging

__all__ = ["calibrate"]

# TODO: Determine whether this is necessary.
calibration_settings = dict()
calibration_settings["tolerance"] = 1e-6

def _update_parset(parset, y_factors, pars_to_adjust):
    # Insert updated y-values into the parset
    # - parset : a ParameterSet object
    # - y_factors : Array with as many elements as pars_to_adjust
    # - pars_to_adjust : Array of tuples (par_name,pop_name,...) with special value pop='all' supported to set meta factor
    #                    Must have as many elements as y_factors. pop=None is not allowed - it must be converted
    #                    to a full list of pops previously (in perform_autofit)

    for i, x in enumerate(pars_to_adjust):
        par_name = x[0]
        pop_name = x[1]

        if par_name in
            if pop_name == "all":
                par =[par_name]
                par.meta_y_factor = y_factors[i]
      [par_name].y_factor[pop_name] = y_factors[i]
            # Handle transfers here
            tokens = par_name.split("_from_")
            par = parset.transfers[tokens[0]][tokens[1]]
            par.y_factor[pop_name] = y_factors[i]

def _calculate_objective(y_factors, pars_to_adjust, output_quantities, parset, project):
    # y-factors, array of y-factors to apply to specified output_quantities
    # pars_to_adjust - list of tuples (par_name,pop_name,...) recognized by parset.update()
    # output_quantities - a tuple like (pop,var,weight,metric) understood by model.get_pop[pop].getVar

    _update_parset(parset, y_factors, pars_to_adjust)

        result = project.run_sim(parset=parset, store_results=False)
    except BadInitialization:  # If the proposed parameters lead to invalid initial compartment sizes
        return np.inf

    objective = 0.0

    for var_label, pop_name, weight, metric in output_quantities:
        target =, pop_name)  # This is the TimeSeries with the data for the requested quantity
        if target is None:
        if not target.has_time_data:  # Only use this output quantity if the user entered time-specific data
        var = result.model.get_pop(pop_name).get_variable(var_label)
        data_t, data_v = target.get_arrays()

        # Interpolate the model outputs onto the data times
        # If there is data outside the range when the model was simulated, don't
        # extrapolate the model outputs
        y = data_v
        y2 = np.interp(data_t, var[0].t, var[0].vals, left=np.nan, right=np.nan)

        idx = ~np.isnan(y) & ~np.isnan(y2)
        objective += weight * sum(_calculate_fitscore(y[idx], y2[idx], metric))

    return objective

def _get_fitscore_func(metric):
    availfns = globals().copy()
        return availfns.get("_calc_%s" % metric)
    except Exception:
        raise NotImplementedError("No method associated with _calc_%s (" % metric)

def _calculate_fitscore(y_obs, y_fit, metric="meansquare"):
    return _get_fitscore_func(metric)(y_obs, y_fit)

def _calc_meansquare(y_obs, y_fit):
    Calcs the RMS error.

    Note: could also use implementation from sklearn in future ...
    return np.sqrt(((y_fit - y_obs) ** 2).mean())

def _calc_fractional(y_obs, y_fit):
    return np.abs((y_fit - y_obs) / np.clip(y_obs, 1, None))  # Use clipping to handle cases where data has value 0

def _calc_wape(y_obs, y_fit):
    Calculates the weighted absolute percentage error
    return abs(y_fit - y_obs) / (y_obs.mean() + calibration_settings["tolerance"])

[docs] def calibrate(project, parset: ParameterSet, pars_to_adjust, output_quantities, max_time=60, method="asd", **kwargs) -> ParameterSet: """ Run automated calibration :param project: A project instance to provide data and sim settings :param parset: A :class:`ParameterSet` instance to calibrate :param pars_to_adjust: list of tuples, (par_name,pop_name,lower_limit,upper_limit) the pop name can be None, which will be expanded to all populations relevant to the parameter independently, or 'all' which will instead operate on the meta y factor. To calibrate a transfer, the parameter name should be set to ``'<tranfer_code_name>_from_<from_pop>'`` and then the destination population can be specified as the ``pop_name``. For example, to automatically calibrate an aging transfer 'age' from 5-14 to 15-64, the tuple would contain ``pars_to_adjust=[('age_from_5-14','15-64',...)]`` :param output_quantities: list of tuples, (var_label,pop_name,weight,metric), for use in the objective function. pop_name=None will expand to all pops. pop_name='all' is not supported :param max_time: If using ASD, the maximum run time :param method: 'asd' or 'pso'. If using 'pso' all upper and lower limits must be finite :param kwargs: Dictionary of additional arguments to be passed to the optimization function, e.g. stepsize or pinitial :return: A calibrated :class:`ParameterSet` """ # Expand out pop=None in pars_to_adjust p2 = [] for par_tuple in pars_to_adjust: if par_tuple[1] is None: # If the pop name is None par =[par_tuple[0]] for pop_name in par.pops: p2.append((par_tuple[0], pop_name, par_tuple[2], par_tuple[3])) else: p2.append(par_tuple) pars_to_adjust = p2 # Expand out pop=None in output_quantities o2 = [] for output_tuple in output_quantities: if output_tuple[1] is None: # If the pop name is None pops = for pop_name in pops: o2.append((output_tuple[0], pop_name, output_tuple[2], output_tuple[3])) else: o2.append(output_tuple) output_quantities = o2 args = { "project": project, "parset": parset.copy(), "pars_to_adjust": pars_to_adjust, "output_quantities": output_quantities, } x0 = [] xmin = [] xmax = [] for i, x in enumerate(pars_to_adjust): par_name, pop_name, scale_min, scale_max = x if par_name in par =[par_name] if pop_name == "all": x0.append(par.meta_y_factor) else: x0.append(par.y_factor[pop_name]) else: tokens = par_name.split("_from_") par = parset.transfers[tokens[0]][tokens[1]] x0.append(par.y_factor[pop_name]) xmin.append(scale_min) xmax.append(scale_max) original_sim_end = project.settings.sim_end project.settings.sim_end = min([-1], original_sim_end) try: if method == "asd": optim_args = { "stepsize": 0.1, "maxiters": 2000, "sinc": 1.5, "sdec": 2.0, "reltol": 1e-3, "abstol": 1e-6, "xmin": xmin, "xmax": xmax, } optim_args.update(kwargs) if max_time is not None: optim_args["maxtime"] = max_time log_level = logger.getEffectiveLevel() if log_level < logging.WARNING: optim_args["verbose"] = 2 else: optim_args["verbose"] = 0 opt_result = sc.asd(_calculate_objective, x0, args, **optim_args) x1 = opt_result["x"] elif method == "pso": import pyswarm optim_args = {"maxiter": 3, "lb": xmin, "ub": xmax, "minstep": 1e-3, "debug": True} if np.any(~np.isfinite(xmin)) or np.any(~np.isfinite(xmax)): errormsg = "PSO optimization requires finite upper and lower bounds to specify the search domain (i.e. every parameter being adjusted needs to have finite bounds)" raise Exception(errormsg) x1, _ = pyswarm.pso(_calculate_objective, kwargs=args, **optim_args) else: raise Exception("Unrecognized method") except Exception as e: raise e finally: project.settings.sim_end = original_sim_end # Restore the simulation end year _update_parset(args["parset"], x1, pars_to_adjust) # Log out the commands required for equivalent manual calibration if desired for i, x in enumerate(pars_to_adjust): par_name = x[0] pop_name = x[1] if par_name in par = args["parset"].pars[par_name] if pop_name == "all": logger.debug("parset.get_par('{}').meta_y_factor={:.2f}".format(par_name, par.meta_y_factor)) else: logger.debug("parset.get_par('{}').y_factor['{}']={:.2f}".format(par_name, pop_name, par.y_factor[pop_name])) else: tokens = par_name.split("_from_") par = args["parset"].transfers[tokens[0]][tokens[1]] logger.debug("parset.transfers['{}']['{}'].y_factor['{}']={:.2f}".format(tokens[0], tokens[1], pop_name, par.y_factor[pop_name])) args["parset"].name = "calibrated_" + args["parset"].name return args["parset"]