Source code for atomica.migration

Manage Project versions and migration

Migration refers to updating old :class:`Project` instances so that they
can be run with more recent versions of Atomica. This module defines

- A set of 'migration functions' that each transform a :class:`Project` instance from one
  version to another
- An entry-point that sequentially calls the migration functions to update a project to
  the current version used in Atomica


import sys
import io
from packaging.version import Version
from .system import logger
from .version import version, gitinfo
import sciris as sc
from .system import FrameworkSettings as FS
import atomica
import types
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from collections import defaultdict
import pathlib
import os

__all__ = ["migration", "migrate", "register_migration"]

SKIP_MIGRATION = False  # Global migration flag to disable migration

# In this section, make changes to the Atomica module structure to enable pickle files
# to be loaded at all

# On Windows, pathlib.PosixPath is not implemented which can cause problems when unpickling
# Therefore, we need to turn PosixPath into WindowsPath on loading. The reverse is true on
# Unix systems
if == "nt":
    pathlib.PosixPath = pathlib.WindowsPath
    pathlib.WindowsPath = pathlib.PosixPath

class _Placeholder:

# First, add any placeholder modules that have been subsequently removed
atomica.structure = types.ModuleType("structure")  # Removed 'structure' module in 1.0.12 20181107
sys.modules["atomica.structure"] = atomica.structure

# Then, remap any required classes
atomica.structure.TimeSeries = atomica.utils.TimeSeries  # Moved 'TimeSeries' in 1.0.12 20181107

# If classes have been removed, then use the Placeholder class to load them
# The migration function can then replace Placeholder instances with actual
# instances - see the AtomicaSpreadsheet -> sciris.Spreadsheet migration function
atomica.excel.AtomicaSpreadsheet = _Placeholder
atomica.optimization.OptimInstructions = _Placeholder

# The remaining code manages upgrading Project objects and their contents after they
# have been unpickled and instantiated

# This dict stores the migrations associated with each versioned class
# We migrate projects and results separately because they might be stored
# separately e.g. in a database

[docs] class Migration: """Class representation of a migration This class stores a migration function together with all required metadata. It would normally be instantiated using the `migration` decorator, which also registers the migration by adding it to the `migrations` list """ def __init__(self, classname, original_version, new_version, description, fcn, date=None, update_required=False): """ :param original_version: :param new_version: :param description: :param fcn: :param date: :param update_required: Flag if dependent content in the object might change e.g. if redoing a calculation might produce different results """ self.classname = classname self.original_version = original_version self.new_version = new_version self.description = description self.update_required = update_required = date self.fcn = fcn def upgrade(self, obj): logger.debug("MIGRATION: Upgrading %s %s -> %s (%s)" % (self.classname, self.original_version, self.new_version, self.description)) obj = self.fcn(obj) # Run the migration function if obj is None: raise Exception("%s returned None, it is likely missing a return statement" % (str(self))) obj.version = self.new_version # Update the version if self.update_required: obj._update_required = True return obj def __repr__(self): return f"Migration({self.classname}, {self.original_version}->{self.new_version})"
[docs] def register_migration(registry, classname, original_version, new_version, description, date=None, update_required=False): """Decorator to register migration functions This decorator constructs a `Migration` object from a decorated migration function, and registers it in the module's list of migrations to be run when calling migrate() :param registry: Dictionary storing {classname:[migrations]} :param original_version: Version string for the start version. Function will only run on projects whose version is <= this :param new_version: The resulting project is assigned this version :param description: A brief overview of the purpose of this migration :param date: Optionally specify the date when this migration was written :param update_required: Optionally flag that changes to model output may occur - the flag is stored in the object's `_update_required` attribute. Objects can optionally contain this attribute, so it's not necessary if the object is planned not to require such a flag. :return: None Example usage:: @migration('Project','1.0.0', '1.0.1', 'Upgrade project', update_required=True) def _update_project(proj): ... return proj The migration function (update_project()) takes a single argument which is a project object, and returns a project object. Decorating the function registers the migration and it will automatically be used by migrate() and therefore Project.load() """ def register(f): if classname not in registry: registry[classname] = [] registry[classname].append(Migration(classname, original_version, new_version, description, fcn=f, date=date, update_required=update_required)) return f return register
migrations = dict() # Registry of migrations in Atomica
[docs] def migration(*args, **kwargs): # Wrapper decorator to bind register_migration to the migration registry in this module return register_migration(migrations, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def migrate(obj, registry=migrations, version=version, gitinfo=gitinfo): """Update a object to the latest version Run all of the migrations in the list of available migrations. The migrations are run in ascending order, as long as the version is <= the migration's original version. This way, migrations don't need to be added if a version number change takes place without actually needing a migration - instead, when adding a migration, just use whatever version numbers are appropriate at the time the change is introduced, it will behave sensibly. Typically, this function would not be called manually - it happens automatically as part of `Project.load()`. Note that this function returns the updated object. Typically the migration functions will update a object in-place, but this syntax allows migrations to replace parts of the object (or the entire object) if that is ever necessary in the future. So do not rely on `migrate` having side-effects, make sure the returned object is retained. In principle we could dcp() the object to ensure that only the copy gets migrated, but at this point it does not appear worth the performance overhead (since migration at the moment is only ever called automatically). :param proj: object to migrate :param version: The current version (in case this is reused in a separate module, defaults to Atomica's) :param gitinfo: The gitinfo to update (in case this is reused in a separate module, defaults to Atomica's) :return: Updated object """ if type(obj).__name__ not in registry: return obj # If there are no migrations for the object, then return immediately elif not hasattr(obj, "version"): # If the object has no version attribute, then add one with version 0. This is presumably # because the original object didn't have a version, but now migrations for it are required. # In that case, any object that doesn't have a version would require all migrations to be run. # New objects would all have a version already. After any migrations are run, these values will # then be updated to the current version obj.version = "0.0.0" obj.gitinfo = None if SKIP_MIGRATION: print("Skipping migration") return obj # If migration is disabled then don't make any changes EXCEPT to add in version and gitinfo which may otherwise be hard to catch migrations_to_run = sorted(registry[type(obj).__name__], key=lambda m: Version(m.original_version)) if sc.compareversions(obj.version, version) >= 0: return obj else: if hasattr(obj, "name"):'Migrating %s "%s" from %s->%s', type(obj).__name__,, obj.version, version) else:"Migrating %s from %s->%s", type(obj).__name__, obj.version, version) for m in migrations_to_run: # Run the migrations in increasing version order if sc.compareversions(obj.version, m.new_version) < 0: obj = m.upgrade(obj) obj.version = version # Set object version to the current Atomica version obj.gitinfo = gitinfo # Update gitinfo to current version if hasattr(obj, "_update_required") and obj._update_required: logger.warning("Caution: due to migration, object may behave different if re-run.") return obj
[docs] def all_results(proj): """Helper generator to iterate over all results in a project Project results may be - Standalone results - A list of results - A UID string (that should be ignored) This function is a generator that allows iteration over all results in a project :param proj: A Project object :return: A Result (via yield) Example usage: for result in all_results(proj): do_stuff(result) """ from .results import Result for result in proj.results.values(): if isinstance(result, list): for r in result: yield r elif isinstance(result, Result): yield result
[docs] def all_progsets(proj): """Helper generator to iterate over all progsets in a project Project progsets may be - Standalone progsets - Contained in a Result This function is a generator that allows iteration over all progsets in a project :param proj: A Project object :return: A progset (via yield) Example usage: for progset in all_progsets(proj): do_stuff(progset) """ from .results import Result for progset in proj.progsets.values(): yield (progset) for result in proj.results.values(): if isinstance(result, list): for r in result: if r.model.progset is not None: yield r.model.progset elif isinstance(result, Result) and result.model.progset is not None: yield result.model.progset
[docs] def all_frameworks(proj): """Helper generator to iterate over all frameworks in a project Project frameworks may be - Standalone frameworks - Contained in a Result This function is a generator that allows iteration over all frameworks in a project :param proj: A Project object :return: A framework (via yield) """ from .results import Result if proj.framework: yield proj.framework for result in proj.results.values(): if isinstance(result, list): for r in result: yield r.framework elif isinstance(result, Result): yield result.framework
@migration("Project", "1.0.5", "1.0.6", "Simplify ParameterSet storage") def _simplify_parset_storage(proj): # ParameterSets in 1.0.5 store the parameters keyed by the type e.g. 'cascade','comp' # In 1.0.6 they are flat for parset in proj.parsets.values(): new_pars = sc.odict() for par_type, par_list in for par in par_list: new_pars[] = par = new_pars del parset.par_ids return proj @migration("Project", "1.0.7", "1.0.8", "Add version information to model") def _add_model_version(proj): # Note that this is a legacy update via the Project and therefore Results that # are stored separately will not receive this migration. It is unlikely that any # Results have been stored in this form though. def add_version(res, p): res.model.version = p.version res.model.gitinfo = p.gitinfo res.model.created = p.created for result in all_results(proj): add_version(result, proj) return proj @migration("ProgramSet", "1.0.8", "1.0.9", "Add currency and units to progset quantities") def _add_currency_and_units(progset): # If the progset was saved prior to 1.23, it would have no version but it might have already # had these migrations applied. Therefore we need to check if they have already been run if hasattr(progset, "currency"): return progset progset.currency = "$" for program in progset.programs.values(): program.baseline_spend.units = progset.currency + "/year" program.spend_data.units = progset.currency + "/year" program.unit_cost.units = progset.currency + "/person" program.capacity.units = "people/year" program.saturation.units = FS.DEFAULT_SYMBOL_INAPPLICABLE program.coverage.units = "people/year" return progset @migration("ProgramSet", "1.0.9", "1.0.10", "Remove target_pars from Programs") def _remove_target_pars(progset): for program in progset.programs.values(): if hasattr(program, "target_pars"): del program.target_pars return progset @migration("Project", "1.0.10", "1.0.11", "Add result update flag to Project") def _add_result_update_flag(proj): proj._update_required = False return proj @migration("Project", "1.0.12", "1.0.13", "Add timescale to parameters") def _add_timescale(proj): for _, spec in if proj.framework.transitions[]:[, "timescale"] = 1.0 # Default timescale - note that currently only transition parameters are allowed to have a timescale that is not None if not spec["format"]: if not raise Exception('The Framework now needs to define the units for transition parameters, but the current one does not define units for Parameter "%s" and data was not saved either, so cannot infer the unit type. Please modify the Framework spreadsheet to add units' % ( else: # Get the units from the first ts associated with the table units = set([x.units.lower().strip() for x in[].ts.values()]) if len(units) == 1:[, "format"] = list(units)[0] else: raise Exception('Parameters must now have a single unit for all populations. However, the existing data has more than one unit type associated with Parameter "%s" so it is no longer valid.' % ( return proj @migration("Project", "1.0.13", "1.0.14", "Parameters use TimeSeries internally") def _parameter_use_timeseries(proj): for parset in proj.parsets.values(): for par in parset.all_pars(): par.ts = dict() for pop in par.t.keys(): par.ts[pop] = atomica.TimeSeries(units=par.y_format[pop]) if par.t[pop] is None: continue elif len(par.t[pop]) == 1 and not np.isfinite(par.t[pop][0]): # It was an assumption par.ts[pop].assumption = par.y[pop][0] else: par.ts[pop].t = par.t[pop].tolist() par.ts[pop].vals = par.y[pop].tolist() del par.y_format del par.t del par.y del par.autocalibrate return proj @migration("Project", "1.0.14", "1.0.15", "Internal model tidying") def _model_tidying(proj): for result in all_results(proj): for pop in result.model.pops: for charac in pop.characs: charac._vals = charac.internal_vals charac._is_dynamic = charac.dependency del charac.internal_vals del charac.dependency for par in par._is_dynamic = par.dependency par._precompute = False del par.dependency return proj def _convert_atomica_spreadsheet(placeholder): new = sc.Spreadsheet(source=io.BytesIO(, filename=placeholder.filename) new.created = placeholder.load_date new.modified = placeholder.load_date return new @migration("Project", "1.0.15", "1.0.16", "Replace AtomicaSpreadsheet in project") def _convert_project_spreadsheets(proj): if proj.databook is not None: proj.databook = _convert_atomica_spreadsheet(proj.databook) if proj.progbook is not None: proj.progbook = _convert_atomica_spreadsheet(proj.progbook) return proj @migration("ProjectFramework", "1.0.15", "1.0.16", "Replace AtomicaSpreadsheet in framework") def _convert_framework_spreadsheets(framework): if framework.spreadsheet is not None: framework.spreadsheet = _convert_atomica_spreadsheet(framework.spreadsheet) return framework @migration("ProgramSet", "1.0.16", "1.0.17", "Rename capacity constraint") def _rename_capacity_constraint(progset): for prog in progset.programs.values(): if hasattr(prog, "capacity"): prog.capacity_constraint = prog.capacity del prog.capacity return progset @migration("Result", "1.0.27", "1.0.28", "Rename link labels") def _rename_link_labels(result): for pop in result.model.pops: for link in pop.links: =[0:3] + ( + ":flow",) result.model._set_vars_by_pop() return result @migration("Project", "1.0.30", "1.1.3", "Replace scenarios") def _replace_scenarios(proj): # This migration upgrades existing scenarios to match the latest definitions from .scenarios import ParameterScenario, BudgetScenario, CoverageScenario from .utils import NDict, TimeSeries new_scens = NDict() for name, scen in proj.scens.items(): scen_name = active = try: parsetname = proj.parset(scen.parsetname).name except Exception: parsetname = proj.parsets[-1].name if isinstance(scen, ParameterScenario): new_scen = scen # No need to migrate parameter scenarios elif isinstance(scen, BudgetScenario): # Convert budget scenario to instructions based on existing logic if scen.alloc_year is not None: # If the alloc_year is prior to the program start year, then just use the spending value directly for all times # For more sophisticated behaviour, the alloc should be passed into the BudgetScenario as a TimeSeries alloc = sc.odict() for prog_name, val in scen.alloc.items(): assert not isinstance(val, TimeSeries) # Value must not be a TimeSeries if val is None: continue # Use default spending for any program that does not have a spending overwrite alloc[prog_name] = TimeSeries(scen.alloc_year, val) if scen.alloc_year > scen.start_year and proj.progsets: # Add in current spending if a programs instance already exists progset = proj.progsets[-1] # If adding spending in a future year, linearly ramp from the start year spend_data = progset.programs[prog_name].spend_data alloc[prog_name].insert(scen.start_year, spend_data.interpolate(scen.start_year)) # This will result in a linear ramp else: alloc = sc.odict() for prog_name, val in scen.alloc.items(): if not isinstance(val, TimeSeries): alloc[prog_name] = TimeSeries(scen.start_year, val) else: alloc[prog_name] = sc.dcp(val) for ts in alloc.values(): ts.vals = [x * scen.budget_factor for x in ts.vals] try: progsetname = proj.progset(scen.progsetname).name except Exception: progsetname = proj.parsets[-1].name new_scen = atomica.BudgetScenario(name=scen_name, active=active, parsetname=parsetname, progsetname=progsetname, alloc=alloc, start_year=scen.start_year) elif isinstance(scen, CoverageScenario): coverage = sc.odict() for prog_name, val in scen.coverage.items(): if not isinstance(val, TimeSeries): coverage[prog_name] = TimeSeries(scen.start_year, val) else: coverage[prog_name] = sc.dcp(val) try: progsetname = proj.progset(scen.progsetname).name except Exception: progsetname = proj.parsets[-1].name new_scen = atomica.CoverageScenario(name=scen_name, active=active, parsetname=parsetname, progsetname=progsetname, coverage=coverage, start_year=scen.start_year) new_scens.append(new_scen) proj.scens = new_scens return proj @migration("ProgramSet", "1.2.0", "1.3.0", "Add population type") def _add_pop_type_progset(progset): for pop in progset.pops.keys(): if sc.isstring(progset.pops[pop]): progset.pops[pop] = {"label": progset.pops[pop], "type": FS.DEFAULT_POP_TYPE} for comp in progset.comps.keys(): if sc.isstring(progset.comps[comp]): progset.comps[comp] = {"label": progset.comps[comp], "type": FS.DEFAULT_POP_TYPE} for par in if sc.isstring([par]):[par] = {"label":[par], "type": FS.DEFAULT_POP_TYPE} return progset @migration("Project", "1.2.0", "1.3.0", "Add population type") def _add_pop_type(proj): for fw in all_frameworks(proj): # Add default population type sheet fw.sheets["population types"] = [pd.DataFrame.from_records([(FS.DEFAULT_POP_TYPE, "Default")], columns=["code name", "description"])] fw.comps["population type"] = FS.DEFAULT_POP_TYPE fw.characs["population type"] = FS.DEFAULT_POP_TYPE["population type"] = FS.DEFAULT_POP_TYPE fw.interactions["to population type"] = FS.DEFAULT_POP_TYPE fw.interactions["from population type"] = FS.DEFAULT_POP_TYPE if for pop_spec in pop_spec["type"] = FS.DEFAULT_POP_TYPE # Fix up TDVE types # Fix up transfers and interactions for tdve in tdve.type = FS.DEFAULT_POP_TYPE for interaction in + interaction.from_pop_type = FS.DEFAULT_POP_TYPE interaction.to_pop_type = FS.DEFAULT_POP_TYPE for parset in proj.parsets.values(): parset.pop_types = [pop["type"] for pop in] # If there are parsets without data, then we don't know what pop types to add. Project is essentially incomplete and considered unusable for result in all_results(proj): for pop in result.model.pops: pop.type = FS.DEFAULT_POP_TYPE return proj @migration("Project", "1.3.0", "1.4.0", "Parameter can be derivative") def _add_project_derivatives(proj): for fw in all_frameworks(proj):["is derivative"] = "n" return proj @migration("Result", "1.3.0", "1.4.0", "Parameter can be derivative") def _add_result_derivatives(result): for pop in result.model.pops: for par in par.derivative = False return result @migration("Project", "1.4.3", "1.5.0", "Parameters with functions can be overwritten") def _add_parset_disable_function(proj): # Add skip_function flag to parset Parameter instances for parset in proj.parsets.values(): for par in parset.all_pars(): par.skip_function = sc.odict.fromkeys(par.ts, None) return proj @migration("Result", "1.4.3", "1.5.0", "Parameters with functions can be overwritten") def _result_add_skip_flag(result): for pop in result.model.pops: for par in par.skip_function = None return result @migration("Project", "1.5.1", "1.5.2", "OptimInstruction has separate adjustment and start years") def _separate_optiminstruction_years(proj): if hasattr(proj, "optims"): for optim in proj.optims.values(): if "adjustment_year" not in optim.json: optim.json["adjustment_year"] = optim.json["start_year"] return proj @migration("Project", "1.7.0", "1.8.0", "Parameters store interpolation method, deprecate scenario smooth onset") def _add_parameter_interpolation_method(proj): for parset in proj.parsets.values(): for par in parset.all_pars(): par._interpolation_method = "pchip" # New projects will default to linear, but migrations use pchip to ensure results don't change for scen in proj.scens.values(): if isinstance(scen, atomica.ParameterScenario): for par_name in scen.scenario_values.keys(): for pop_name in scen.scenario_values[par_name].keys(): if "smooth_onset" in scen.scenario_values[par_name][pop_name]: logger.warning("Parameter scenario smooth onset is deprecated and will not be used") return proj @migration("Project", "1.8.0", "1.9.0", "OptimInstructions functionality moved to apps") def _refactor_optiminstructions(proj): if hasattr(proj, "optims"): delkeys = [] for k, v in proj.optims.items(): if isinstance(v, _Placeholder) and hasattr(v, "json"): # If it was previously an OptimInstructions # This was a project from the FE, which stores the optimization JSON dicts in if not hasattr(proj, "optim_jsons"): proj.optim_jsons = [] json = v.json for prog_name in json["prog_spending"].keys(): spend = json["prog_spending"][prog_name] try: prog_label = proj.progsets[-1].programs[prog_name].label except Exception: prog_label = prog_name json["prog_spending"][prog_name] = {"min": spend[0], "max": spend[1], "label": prog_label} proj.optim_jsons.append(json) delkeys.append(k) for k in delkeys: del proj.optims[k] else: proj.optims = atomica.NDict() # Make sure it's defined, even if it's empty return proj @migration("Project", "1.10.0", "1.11.0", "TDVE stores headings to write internally") def _add_internal_flags_to_tdve(proj): # This migration adds missing attributes to TDVE and TDC objects if for tdve in tdve.assumption_heading = "Constant" tdve.write_assumption = True tdve.write_units = True tdve.write_uncertainty = True tdve.comment = None for tdc in + tdc.assumption_heading = "Constant" tdc.write_assumption = True tdc.write_units = True tdc.write_uncertainty = True if not hasattr(tdc, "from_pops"): # This was missed in the previous migration `add_pop_type` so add it in here # If the pop type is missing, then we must be using a legacy framework with only one pop type tdc.from_pop_type = list(proj.framework.pop_types.keys())[0] tdc.from_pops = list( tdc.to_pop_type = list(proj.framework.pop_types.keys())[0] tdc.to_pops = list( return proj @migration("ProjectFramework", "1.12.2", "1.13.0", "Timed compartment updates to framework") def _add_framework_timed_comps(fw):["timed"] = "n" fw.comps["duration group"] = None return fw @migration("Result", "1.12.2", "1.13.0", "Timed compartment updates to result") def _add_result_timed_attribute(result): result.model.unlink() for pop in result.model.pops: for i, comp in enumerate(pop.comps): if comp.tag_birth: comp.__class__ = atomica.SourceCompartment elif comp.tag_dead: comp.__class__ = atomica.SinkCompartment elif comp.is_junction: comp.__class__ = atomica.JunctionCompartment comp.duration_group = None del comp.tag_birth del comp.tag_dead del comp.is_junction result.model.relink() # Make sure all of the references are updated to the new compartment instance - it has the same ID so it should be fine return result @migration("Project", "1.14.0", "1.15.0", "Refactor migration update flag") def _rename_update_field(proj): if not hasattr(proj, "_result_update_required"): proj._result_update_required = False proj._update_required = proj._result_update_required del proj._result_update_required for result in all_results(proj): result._update_required = False return proj @migration("Project", "1.15.0", "1.16.0", "Projects may change due to uncapped probabilities") def _proj_refactor_settings_storage(proj): proj._update_required = True return proj @migration("Result", "1.15.0", "1.16.0", "Results may change due to uncapped probabilities") def _result_refactor_settings_storage(result): result._update_required = True return result @migration("Project", "1.16.0", "1.17.0", "Add sim end year validation to project settings") def _add_end_year_to_project_settings(proj): proj.settings = atomica.ProjectSettings(**proj.settings.__dict__) return proj @migration("Project", "1.17.0", "1.18.0", "Add data TDC and TDVE attributes") def _add_tdc_tdve_attributes(proj): if for tdve in tdve.ts_attributes = {} for tdc in + tdc.attributes = {} tdc.ts_attributes = {} return proj @migration("Project", "1.19.0", "1.20.0", "Framework.transitions is a defaultdict") def _framework_transitions_defaultdict(proj): for fw in all_frameworks(proj): fw.transitions = defaultdict(list, fw.transitions) return proj @migration("ProgramSet", "1.23.1", "1.23.2", "ProgramSet records all compartments including non-targetable ones") def _add_progset_non_targetable_flag(progset): for code_name, comp in progset.comps.items(): if not isinstance(comp, dict): progset.comps[code_name] = {"label": comp, "type": None} comp = progset.comps[code_name] if "non_targetable" not in comp: comp["non_targetable"] = False return progset @migration("ProjectFramework", "1.23.4", "1.24.0", "Change framework columns to numeric types") def _convert_framework_columns(framework): # This migration can be performed by simple revalidation. It will also allow # any other validation-related changes to be updated for df in framework.sheets["transitions"]: if not pd.isna( df.reset_index(inplace=True) framework._validate() return framework @migration("ParameterSet", "1.28.3", "1.28.4", "Add initialization attribute") def _parset_add_initialization(parset): parset.initialization = None return parset @migration("ProjectData", "1.30.0", "1.31.0", "Add pop types attribute and default_all") def _projectdata_add_types_default(D): if not hasattr(D, "_pop_types"): # We have to check for existence because # Are any population types present? pop_types = list(x["type"] for x in D.pops.values() if "type" in x) if not pop_types: pop_types = [FS.DEFAULT_POP_TYPE] for pop, spec in D.pops.items(): if "type" not in spec: spec["type"] = pop_types[0] D._pop_types = list({x["type"]: None for x in D.pops.values()}.keys()) # Using a dictionary here allows for order-preserving unique for tdve in D.tdve.values(): # Fix the '_add_pop_type' migration which added tdve.type instead of tdve.pop_type if hasattr(tdve, "type"): tdve.pop_type = tdve.type delattr(tdve, "type") elif not hasattr(tdve, "pop_type"): tdve.pop_type = D._pop_types[0] # The majority of the time, if the pop_type is missing, the default needs to be added # Also add the default_all attribute tdve.default_all = False # Some old TDVE tables have a lowercase 'n.a.' instead of the correct default value for ts in tdve.ts.values(): if ts.units == FS.DEFAULT_SYMBOL_INAPPLICABLE.lower(): ts.units = FS.DEFAULT_SYMBOL_INAPPLICABLE # A TDVE should always have some allowed units, if the allowed units have not been populated, then draw # them from the ts entries. There are some older saved files that may have no allowed units even though the ts # entries themselves have units. if not hasattr(tdve, "allowed_units") or not tdve.allowed_units: tdve.allowed_units = list({x.units: None for x in tdve.ts.values()}.keys()) return D