Source code for atomica.system

Define internal system constants and functions


import sciris as sc
from .function_parser import supported_functions
import pathlib

# Set up a logger that can be imported elsewhere
import logging

__all__ = ["atomica_path", "LIBRARY_PATH", "NotFoundError", "FrameworkSettings"]

logger = logging.getLogger("atomica")

[docs] def atomica_path(subdir=None) -> pathlib.Path: """ Returns paths relative to the Atomica parent module This function by default returns the directory containing the Atomica source files. It can also return paths relative to this directory using the optional additional arguments Example usage: >>> at.atomica_path() WindowsPath('E:/projects/atomica/atomica') >>> at.atomica_path('foo') WindowsPath('E:/projects/atomica/atomica/foo') >>> at.atomica_path(['foo','bar']) WindowsPath('E:/projects/atomica/atomica/foo/bar') :param subdir: Optionally append a list of subdirectories to the path :return: Absolute Path object """ path = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.parent for d in sc.promotetolist(subdir): path /= d return path.resolve()
LIBRARY_PATH = atomica_path(["atomica", "library"])
[docs] class NotFoundError(Exception): """ Error for when an item was not found This error gets thrown if a user-specified input was not found. For example, if the user queries a Population for a non-existent variable. """ pass
[docs] class FrameworkSettings: """ Define system level keywords This class stores sets of keywords such as the keys for different variable types, or the supported quantity types (e.g., 'probability', 'number') """ KEY_COMPARTMENT = "comp" KEY_CHARACTERISTIC = "charac" KEY_TRANSITION = "link" KEY_PARAMETER = "par" KEY_POPULATION = "pop" KEY_TRANSFER = "transfer" KEY_INTERACTION = "interpop" QUANTITY_TYPE_PROBABILITY = "probability" QUANTITY_TYPE_DURATION = "duration" QUANTITY_TYPE_NUMBER = "number" QUANTITY_TYPE_FRACTION = "fraction" QUANTITY_TYPE_PROPORTION = "proportion" QUANTITY_TYPE_RATE = "rate" STANDARD_UNITS = [QUANTITY_TYPE_PROBABILITY, QUANTITY_TYPE_DURATION, QUANTITY_TYPE_NUMBER, QUANTITY_TYPE_FRACTION, QUANTITY_TYPE_PROPORTION, QUANTITY_TYPE_RATE] DEFAULT_SYMBOL_INAPPLICABLE = "N.A." DEFAULT_POP_TYPE = "default" RESERVED_KEYWORDS = ["t", "flow", "all", "dt", "total"] # A code_name in the framework cannot be equal to one of these values RESERVED_KEYWORDS += supported_functions.keys() RESERVED_SYMBOLS = set(":,;/+-*'\" @") # A code_name in the framework (for characs, comps, pars) cannot contain any of these characters DEFAULT_PROVENANCE = "Framework-supplied default"